Young Women for Leadership and Business (YW4LB) Project

Young Women for Leadership and Business Project


Young Women for Leadership and Business project is a specially designed initiative for six months to one year period to bridge the gender gap by equipping young women between the ages of 18-40 with the requisite leadership and business skills and competence required to become competitive in the corporate leadership and business structures in Nigeria. The participants are expected to undergo mentorship and also carry out community service projects. At the end of the project we expect the participants to have increased leadership and business skills and competence to lead corporate organisations.

In Nigeria, women are largely under-represented in Leadership, entrepreneurship and governance positions. Women need to be highly supported to these positions to enable them participate in the leadership and governance policies to better the lives of women. Empowering women to earn their fair share could benefit their entire communities in a big way: women are likely to invest more of their money back into their families and communities than men typically do .


Girl Child Support

A 2013 report by UNESCO found that 31 million girls of primary school age were not in school, and about one out of every four young women in developing countries had never completed their primary school education. That number represents a huge pool of untapped girl power: that same report suggests that educated women are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, raise healthy kids, find work, and earn more money, among other positives. Girls who marry before age 18 are typically denied an education, at risk of complications related to premature childbearing, and more vulnerable to intimate partner violence.